
The space whale got a bleeding nose. Menkar is an old dying star, which has already exceeded for a long time its stages of combustion of hydrogen then oxygen. It symbolizes the childish evidence of our own genocide. Men kill men since the beginning and for all eternity. Here are the rifle songs of the Apocalypse Horsemen.

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October 2016 – Re(-)création – NTN – Geneva (CH)
Summer 2012 – « Billboard Art Project » – Albany (US NY)
2012 « ENFANCES 2 » J. Le Goff & S. Jolivet – Satellite Brindeau – Le Havre (F)
2011 – « 2099 D.C. » – L.S.O.A. Buridda – Genova (I)
2011 – Gallery True Love Art – Savona (I)